Official GIGABYTE Forum

Can we get an official response from Gigabyte regarding Z68 cold boot?


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Re: Can we get an official response from Gigabyte regarding Z68 cold boot?
« Reply #105 on: September 30, 2013, 08:20:28 am »

I have this problem with 2 gigabytes mobo, one is brand new, How can this be possible ?

Don't let this surprise you with Gigabyte. 
Picked up the second "repaired" board today with the same issue. NO POST. Waiting 2 months for a fix and sending back and forth.
Went down to the store so they can test it and same problem picked up by the staff.
They are lazy useless "technicians" here in Australia period. Thank god my main PC has an ASUS mobo.

Re: Can we get an official response from Gigabyte regarding Z68 cold boot?
« Reply #106 on: October 06, 2013, 11:57:58 am »
I have own a Gigabyte Z68XP-UD4 for almost a year and I'm truly disappointed on the system. Dual Bios should be a great idea, but in practice is a pain in the ass like I never had before with a motherboard.

Problem is: if I use F6 Bios version, everything works as it should, but my OC is not half as good as with UEFI beta BIOS. But when I install UEFI, one of every 5-6 times I cold boot the PC, the system will enter a loop which only can be overrun by unplugging the power cord. I don't even recall how many times I've update to UEFI, and how many more have I downgrade to F6. And the latest UEFI BIOS version listed in the Gigabye official web is listed on March... ¡March! Too bad.

I promise this will be my last experience with Gigabyte in the field of motherboards.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2013, 11:59:22 am by smonkie »

Re: Can we get an official response from Gigabyte regarding Z68 cold boot?
« Reply #107 on: July 18, 2014, 01:07:18 pm »
I'm also experiencing the cold boot issue among many others problems.

My specs:

Intel i5 2500K CPU / Noctua CPU Cooler
Sandisk Extreme II SSD 240GB
16GB (4x4) Corsair XMS3 1600Mhz CL7
Gigabyte Nvidia GeForce 560 Ti
ThermalTake TR2 700W
Win8 Pro
Running the lastest BIOS

I've already sent it to Gigabyte Australia who seem to have sent it back as it was untouched by the look of the BIOS configuration (I left one setting at a value that would fail booting and it came back with the setting as it was).  The reseller Scorptec are not providing any assistance and the board has come back now cold boot looping and double booting basically 2/3 times.

I've changed almost every part in the system to see if there is any chance of it being something other than the motherboard and no luck.

Did anyone solve this? 

Re: Can we get an official response from Gigabyte regarding Z68 cold boot?
« Reply #108 on: August 31, 2014, 03:35:17 pm »
Doesn't look like it.  I purchased a budget board (H61M-DS3) as a backup board in 2012, tested once with no issues after delivery then stored.  Last year I used it to test some parts then I had the loop issue.  Tried several times earlier this year, still the same.  'Was hoping for a solution after 2 years but after 2 hours of web scouring - NIL.

Re: Can we get an official response from Gigabyte regarding Z68 cold boot?
« Reply #109 on: September 03, 2014, 11:42:32 pm »
The only way this Problem was fix for me was Updating Bios on my GIGABYTE Z68XP-UD3 Motherboard in hopes this gets resolved for ya. I am 100% sure u have tried everything. Shame Giga Motherboards are one of my Fav aside from EVGA Boards. The only way i resolved this was with pulling an all nighter 1/2 gallon of my fav brandy 2 pc's aside on & just kept fighting till i got results. than later i found my dam PSU was working but used my Meter to test Watts Voltages & so on on psu found out it was working but Rail that supplied amp to motherboard itself was faulty.My friend Just try everything at times is something not even related.rinse & repeat till u get results. Sorry i could not be better help.
CPU: Intel i5 3570k @ 3.40Ghz
Mobo: Gigabyte Z68XP-UD3
HDD: RAID 10 Total 2.2 TB
MONITOR:Viewsonic 22 in

Re: Can we get an official response from Gigabyte regarding Z68 cold boot?
« Reply #110 on: April 26, 2015, 11:28:12 pm »
My mobo: GA-Z68XP-UD3P (rev. 1.3; UEFI ver. U1G)

The UEFI U1G was a beta release back in March 2013 and never saw anything else after that.
Boot loop issue is still present, and no new updates have been released.
Having an overclocking motherboard with a bug that absolutely cripples performance by setting a OC cap is horrible.
I'm not sure how Gigabyte boards are nowadays with Z97, but I'm probably never buying another Gigabyte board.


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Re: Can we get an official response from Gigabyte regarding Z68 cold boot?
« Reply #111 on: April 27, 2015, 03:26:11 am »
I'm not sticking up for them. But the thing is the Z68 board is old technology. The real last official Bios was the F7 02/2012. Most boards that are on the market you really are lucky to see a bios update past two year.

The U1G(UEFI BIOS) was a beta bios and really never was a official bios. The board wasn't really made to support UEFI and that is why it is still a beta bios. It was made so people could try it to see if it work.

Most people that did try it never had really good luck with. I too have one of the Z68 boards that I used for one of my kids and it work great. But I never tried the UEFI bios. I thought about it, but with all I read I wasn't going to waste my time.
X299X Aorus Master, i9-9940x-3.30Ghz, 64gb G-Skill DDR4-2400, MSI RTX-3070 8GB, Cooler Master case, Thermal-take PSU 850w, 1-M2-NMVe SSD-512gb, 3-Pny 1TB SSD, 2-WD Raptors 1TB, Win 11 pro 64bit, Asus 35" 144Mhz Monitor.

Re: Can we get an official response from Gigabyte regarding Z68 cold boot?
« Reply #112 on: July 10, 2015, 09:17:44 am »
I'm not sticking up for them. But the thing is the Z68 board is old technology. The real last official Bios was the F7 02/2012. Most boards that are on the market you really are lucky to see a bios update past two year.

The U1G(UEFI BIOS) was a beta bios and really never was a official bios. The board wasn't really made to support UEFI and that is why it is still a beta bios. It was made so people could try it to see if it work.

Most people that did try it never had really good luck with. I too have one of the Z68 boards that I used for one of my kids and it work great. But I never tried the UEFI bios. I thought about it, but with all I read I wasn't going to waste my time.

Very early in the thread, people were reporting cold boot loops under legacy BIOS, and those BIOS were official releases as well!


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Re: Can we get an official response from Gigabyte regarding Z68 cold boot?
« Reply #113 on: July 20, 2015, 06:46:16 pm »
I read this topic from the beginning to the end and I read the topic in the overclock forum too.

I got a GA-Z97-D3H, and I seeing this issue too. -> Here's my topic.

So sad.  :-\

Re: Can we get an official response from Gigabyte regarding Z68 cold boot?
« Reply #114 on: August 03, 2015, 06:01:27 pm »
Sorry to come back to this old thread, but I actually have a bit of news regarding this issue.
Since upgrading to Win10, I've tried to get some higher OCs just because I wanna see what the new BSODs look like (not joking).
With my history of cold boot loops when enabling internal CPU PLL overvoltage, I definitely got a BSOD with it disabled.
A special note about this BSOD is that I don't get it when stress testing the CPU. It only BSODs at idle, not load! (This is an entirely separate issue that I've seen on other threads, so I'm not sure how strong the correlation is with cold boot loops.)
I was already OCing anyway, so I figured that I might try to enable it to see if it's any different under Win10.
The OC results were as I expected, stable with higher OC and no BSOD at idles (or light loads).
After shutting down and powering on my system several times, I saw NO COLD BOOT LOOPS.
Even after turning off my system overnight, I saw no boot loops the next morning when I powered it on.
So far, it's only been 24 hours; will report back later if I get a cold boot loop!

Re: Can we get an official response from Gigabyte regarding Z68 cold boot?
« Reply #115 on: October 24, 2015, 03:26:00 pm »
Sorry to revive an old thread, but I was looking for information about this problem and I'm relieved, I guess, to see I'm not the only one.

Ever since I upgraded my old GA-Z68MX-UD2H-B3 (rev 1.0) from BIOS version F12 to UEFI U1e, booting the computer from power-off makes it turn its power off and on several times until it boots. Usually the screen remains dark while it does this, but occasionally I see "GIGABYTE - UEFI DualBIOS" at the top of the screen before it reboots.

I had this problem long ago when the BIOS and backup BIOS were different versions, and way back then I held down Alt-F12 at boot to copy BIOS to backup and that solved the problem. However, now my backup BIOS is still at F12, and holding down Alt-F12 at boot has no effect.

I'm not overclocking at all. I feel like the solution to my problem would be to copy the UEFI U1e to the backup BIOS, but I have no idea why Alt-F12 no longer works, and there doesn't seem to be any other way to copy it. I even pulled the CMOS battery out for twenty minutes then gave it a new battery - no change.


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Re: Can we get an official response from Gigabyte regarding Z68 cold boot?
« Reply #116 on: October 24, 2015, 05:01:34 pm »
Check this FAQ for BIOS Synchronisation

But, having faced a very similar problem with my own Z68 motherboard and the UEFI BIOS, which I couldn't resolve even after syncing both BIOS chips, I went back to the AMI BIOS which I ran until I upgraded my whole system.
Remember, when all else fails a cup of tea and a good swear will often help! It won't solve the problem but it will make you feel better.

Re: Can we get an official response from Gigabyte regarding Z68 cold boot?
« Reply #117 on: October 25, 2015, 05:16:32 am »
THAT WAS IT! Thank you so much for the link to that article! It told me that the keys to hold at boot to copy BIOS to backup were Alt-F10 when I'm running AMI UEFI BIOS! I had never heard that before - all the sources I'd found said that the keys were Alt-F12, but that only works under Award BIOS!

I rebooted, held Alt-F10 - didn't even remove power or wait - and the BIOS copy screen came right up. I copied BIOS to backup, then powered down and cold-booted again.

Unfortunately, the computer turned off/on a few times again before it booted. But then I went into BIOS and changed the XMP profile from "Profile1" to "Disabled". This slows my 1600MHz memory down to 1333MHz, but I've read some reports that the reboot problem could be due to memory, so I'll see whether it helps.