Hi! I know this is the .uk forum but since we don't have a finnish one (the nordic is in danish) I thought I'd write in here. So I've always used GB mobo's and unless there is a forcing reason I never will use any other brand. Bought a new Z77X-UD3H motherboard and it was finally delivered to me with all the other items I ordered. After putting everything together I immediately noticed that the computer refused to boot up my graphics card on the PCIe x16 slot. I tried the card in my old comp and it booted up just fine. Tried another card in the same slot and would not boot up. Tried the x8 slot and voila, it worked. So after updating the bios, trying and testing pretty much every imaginable thing the PCIe x16 slot simply would not boot up. After unscrewing the motherboard from the case and examining it with precision I noticed something strange in one of the pins of the PCIe x16 slot on the other side of the mobo:

It looks like it never even had a pin there and what you see circled in red in that picture is just a piece of tin. I've already contacted the shop I bought it from to get it replaced but I'm still wondering if this could be the cause of the card not booting up at all when I have a unit in the slot? Other than that the computer works fine with the Intel HD 4000 that comes with the processor and even when the computer boots up with my gfx card in the slot there seems to be no errors or anything but card simply does not output anything.
Full setup:
Intel i7-3770
Giga-Byte GA-Z77X-UD3H (rev1.0)
Asus DirectCU Nvidia GTX460 1GB
Corsair Vengeance 4x4GB 1600MHz DDR3 LP
Intel 520 series 120gb SSD
Seagate Barracuda 2TB 7200rpm