Hi All
GIGABYTE UK announces October promotion for endusers - buy one GA-EP45-DS4 and get one free GIGABYTE 2GB USB pen drive

here are the rules as below:

Terms and Conditions
1. One pen drive per household
2. Valid from the 1st Oct to 31st Oct 2008
3. Proof of purchase must be sent to GIGABYTE UK via one of the following two options:
a. Email:
marketing@gbt-tech.co.uk Subject: GIGABYTE UK Promotion
Attached proof of purchase: Copy of your invoice + serial number
Please provide your contact details, i.e: Address and contact number
b. Post: GIGABYTE UK Promotion
Unit 13, Avant Business Centre
3 Third Avenue, Denbigh West, Bletchley
Milton Keynes, MK1 1DR
Attach a copy of your invoice + serial number, which is your proof of purchase
Please provide your contact details, i.e: Address and contact number
4. All documents must be received by 30th Nov 2008
5. This promotion is only valid for UK mainland
6. Only while stocks last
P.S. It's really very small see below: