Official GIGABYTE Forum

G1 Assassin 2 with win7 32 or 64 bit on raid hangs/ bsod on resume from sleep


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Jesus christ Rob, you still battling with this POS mobo? I picked up a Ramp IV Formula X79 yesterday & was fully up & running within 30min. Not a single issue. I'll just repeat that... NOT A SINGLE FKING ISSUE!!!!!!!!!! My god what a breath of fresh air after that nightmare G1.Asshole2 conundrum.

Everything on this mobo just works (Ramp IV Formula X79). No bull$hit, no headaches.

Here my my 24/7, good for 2hrs of BF3 straight with these settings  ;D I seriously suggest you do the same..
« Last Edit: July 17, 2012, 01:01:30 am by C-BuZz »


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Hey C-BuZz, good to hear from you. I'm right with you mate but still on a waiting list. Should have another board by the end of the week, so for now I'm doing more tests for gigabyte to help them track down this problem, but assassin's days are numbered!
The Rampage looks good, especially the creative audio chip that now also supports front jack re-tasking!
What vga are you running? Get 'Furmark' and give me some numbers!!  :D

Scroll down a bit to get to the dl button on the left side. There's some other vga testers there as well [right hand side] with some pretty cool 'fluid' graphics to bench with.

My trusty old geforce 7950gt agp [ p4 extreme 3.4 ghz ] did the Furmark 1/4 mile at 4 fps @ 1280 x 720 full screen and hit a temp of 83c  :o   :D


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Hey C-BuZz, good to hear from you. I'm right with you mate but still on a waiting list. Should have another board by the end of the week, so for now I'm doing more tests for gigabyte to help them track down this problem, but assassin's days are numbered!
The Rampage looks good, especially the creative audio chip that now also supports front jack re-tasking!
What vga are you running? Get 'Furmark' and give me some numbers!!  :D

Scroll down a bit to get to the dl button on the left side. There's some other vga testers there as well [right hand side] with some pretty cool 'fluid' graphics to bench with.

My trusty old geforce 7950gt agp [ p4 extreme 3.4 ghz ] did the Furmark 1/4 mile at 4 fps @ 1280 x 720 full screen and hit a temp of 83c  :o   :D

Good to hear your moving on. Seriously, don't waste any more time on this mobo it's a waste of your life & a dead end. As for GPu's, I've got about 30 GPU's here to play with. But at the moment, I'm rocking 3 x 8800Ultra's in Tri-Sli  ;D Love my retro Gpu's which is why I selected the Rampage, so I can run Tri/Quad NV or Amd whenever I like ;D I also do a lot of benching 3D06 & 3D11.


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Gigabyte have sent me a link to beta bios 12a to address this issue.  :) Will try it myself tonight.


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This has fixed the problem with only one small caveat.
The only config that still fails is if the marvell chip is set to ide with the boot drive connected to it which is probalbly not worth worrying about.
All other configs of drive connections,single dual, raid non riad, intel/marvell, x86/x64 now resume from sleep perfectly, though all my tests were with the intel chip in raid, but I expect other configs of the intel chip to work still.

So that's one major flaw fixed!  :)


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So here's a wrap-up of the oustanding issues with this motherboard - mostly ok now.
The below is a copy n paste of what I just sent to Gigabyte.

Hi, This version works correctly!   :) There is only one minor issue. If the marvell controller is in ide mode [intel in raid] and boot is over the marvell controller, it will still fail, but this is maybe not worth chasing as most users will use ahci mode.
Maybe update the user manual with an addendum - 'no ide on marvell with intel in raid'

There are some other issues, though not all critical as there are workarounds with most of them.

1. With bios version F7, it was possible to install win 7 x64 to a raid volume on the marvell controller greater than 2TB.
At version F11 [or maybe earlier] and version F12a this ability has been broken.

There is a caveat however with version F7.
Normally, when you have a fresh drive/s and you start the computer with a bootable windows dvd in the drive, after the bios has finished post it will automatically boot the dvd drive. You will NOT see the message "Press any key to boot cd/dvd", because bios can see that there are no other bootable devices connected.

However, when the drives are connected to the marvell chip and are configured to raid, for some reason bios thinks there is an alternative boot drive besides the dvd and you do see the message "Press any key to boot cd/dvd".
If you ignore that messsage, there is a momentary flash on the screen with text on the left top quoting the bios date and version and on the right top 'press del or f2 to enter setup"

If you allow this to happen, you will find that you cannot partition more than 2tb of the raid volume.
If you DO press a key when you see the boot message and not allow the flash on the screen to happen, you can partition the whole raid volume as a single partition [with the usual small system partitons of course]

However, this is only possible with bios F7, it is not possible to partiton >2tb on the marvell chip with F12a.
No matter what I do, with F12a I always get a message that windows cannot install to this volume, when you click details it says "The computers hardware may not support booting to this disk,  make sure the device is enabled in bios".

At which bios version this was broken, I don't know. All I know is that F7 works [with attention to boot message] and F12a doesn't work.

2. When installing windows to a raid volume on the intel c600 controller, at the point where your asked to load f6 drivers, only on rare occassions is the dvd drive visible, therefore impossible to install drivers from driver cd.
Workaround - put drivers on flash drive first.

3. Silverstone FP34 usb flash drive bay is not recognised by q-flash. Works fine for F6 driver install.
This never worked on any version of bios. In fact, version F12a now sees my dvd drive as a place to save a bios!!  :)
Workaround - Ignore dvd drive and use other flash drive to save/load bios.

4. The F6 x64 drivers for the G1.Assassin 2 Marvell controller on Gigabytes website are incorrect and do not work.
The drivers on the driver cd in the floppy64 folder are correct and do work.
I have not tested the x86 driver.
Workaround - use the F6 drivers on the cd

So, the board is quite usable now, but bug No. 1 really needs to be addressed

I am facing some similar kind of problem. Hope you will give me solution for the problem. Thanks. :)


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Hi, did you try Gigabytes beta bios version F12a? It works quite well and fixes the hang/bsod when intel c600 is in raid mode.

I notice that it's still not available in their downloads section and probably won't be until it is elevated from beta to rtm status.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2012, 02:53:24 pm by RobD »