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Problem installing W7 x64 on Z77-D3H


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Problem installing W7 x64 on Z77-D3H
« on: August 03, 2012, 06:20:31 pm »
I bought a Z77-D3H motherboard yesterday and attempted to install W7 x64 onto my Samsung 830 128GB SSD drive, plugged into SATA Port 0 (one of the SATA III ports).

It boots up fine, up until the Starting Windows screen. At that point it takes ages to go any further, around two minutes to load into the actual install windows window. Once there, every option takes around the same time to complete - choosing which drive, formatting the drive, etc.

Once it finally starts installing - which takes ages - it gets to the stage when it reboots during installation, and fails at that point. I try to repair the installation but when I'm looking at the sizes of each drive it's showing the W7 installation as only being around 7Gb, which I know is far too small!

So, a few questions...

1. What am I doing wrong that takes the SSD so long to load? It's showing as AHCI in the BIOS. Just had a thought, if I'm using a SATA II cable to connect the SSD to the SATA III port, that wouldn't cause a problem as such would it? I assumed it would just run at the slower speed (assuming there is such a thing as differing SATA cables!)

2. Why is W7 failing to fully install? I've never had this problem before and I've installed W7 enough times!

My DVD drive is connected via SATA II, I've got my SSD drive (SATA III) and three other HDD's (SATA II). I've even tried to install W7 onto one of my other drives but each one says that it's unable to do so.


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Re: Problem installing W7 x64 on Z77-D3H
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2012, 09:46:37 pm »
Try disconnecting all other HDD's when you attempt the installation and report back.


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Re: Problem installing W7 x64 on Z77-D3H
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2012, 05:41:12 pm »
I've managed to find out what the problem was during installation - my Windows 7 64-bit DVD! Not sure what the problem was with it, but I tried the 32-bit DVD and that installed fine. I downloaded a new W7 64-bit DVD and installed that - using my licence number - and it was fine.

I've still got the problem of Windows taking so long to load in though. It hangs at the Starting Windows screen for ages, kinda like it's waiting for something to load up. I've read elsewhere that similar problems have been resolved by disabling legacy support for items in the BIOS, but the only thing I have (that I can recall) that has legacy support is for USB devices and I'd need that as both my keyboard and mouse are USB.

Re: Problem installing W7 x64 on Z77-D3H
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2012, 03:28:21 am »
Is should not be like that ..
Did you still get size error in SSD?
Don't know if taking too long reading in Windows installation because having problem to detect your SSD well.
If possible, please do diskpart process to fully clean your SSD before trying to install OS.