I wonder if anyone can help, I've just installed a 78LMT-USB3 rev 4.1 motherboard with an AMD 965 Black edition CPU bought from Aria and my system will not post, no keyboard lights and no VGA with either onboard video or add in graphics card. All fans are spinning.
Upon checking the CPU compatibility list (Which I should have done before purchasing!) I see this CPU is not on the list and this may be the cause of my issue. However the board does seemingly support other 125w CPUs including the new bulldozer range. I saw the board supported 125w CPUs and with the 965 being an older processor presumed I'd be fine!
Does any one run this configuration themselves or know if this board will support this CPU? Do I need a BIOS update? Should the system still boot and give me an error about an uncompatible CPU? I'm using a OCZ core X stream 500w PSU and 2 x 4gb Exceleram. I've tried re-seating the CPU, trying 1 stick of ram in different slots, clearing cmos with jumper. I've not got any sata/IDE components attached or any add in boards. Unfortunately I've no spare components to test if the board/CPU/RAM are working. If I can get away with a BIOS update I could buy a sempron CPU and flash it.
Connected the pc speaker and it is giving off continuous 3 second beeps which on googleing is consistant with a CPU problem
Any help would be much appreciated