Good morning
Your GSkills RAMS are supposed to work under an XMP profile but like most manufacturers 1600Mz does not so you should not have any problem using them as 1333Mz by disabling the XMP profile in BIOS.
The Kingston RAM is not part of the tested model by either Kinsgton or Gigabyte.
Beware, there is a lot of XMP profiled RAM that will only work with a 22nm CPU (17-3xxx) and some other will have limitations such as a 2400Mz will only work at 1800Mz or so but it will be a mess to have decent performances because the power controller will have a hard time to contend within your power supply specs and the CPU and RAM (amperage, voltage but also phases).
It is becoming harder and harder to have a power supply that will suffice to all MTB board’s CPU and RAM as graphic cards has more and more precise power specs to meet too.
It is no surprise that ATI, AMD and NVidia come with a list of recommended power supplies.
You should provide at least 1Gb to your graphic, so the whole system does not wait for the graphic card to cache to much information on your HDD or SDD.