Asus don't even handle direct RMAs in the UK. I emailed them over my dead rampage 3 extreme, and they said to contact the place I bought it from as that's how they do their RMAs. This only increases the time it takes - post back to retailer, they have to fill in a form and return it to Asus, Asus fix / replace and post it back to the retailer, then the retailer returns it to you.
Luckilly there were still some high end gigabyte X58 boards around for a good price, so now I'm just waiting for my new board to arrive.
Also another thing I found out from researching warranties after my board died - Asus's 3 year warranty starts from the motherboards manufacture date, Gigabyte's starts from the purchase date plus direct RMA service with a UK based repair centre. The only problem is I don't know if gigabyte have an equivalent to Asus's latest high end rampage boards, with the X58 stuff they were too slowwith getting such boards out.