At the bottom of the bios download page there is a warning about bios flashing!!
You MUST have a Floppy Disk Drive installed and set as First Boot Device, BEFORE your system failure. It will not help you at all to try to install one after a BIOS error in a attempt to fix it with these methods.
1. Make a bootable floopy disk by formatting a floppy disk and choosing Create a MS-DOS startup disk in the format options
2. Copy the Award flash utility (Flash895) & BIOS file (.Fxx) to the floppy disk
3. Create an autoexec.bat with “flash895 bios_file_example_name.Fxx” in the content of the batch file, (without the quotes “ ”).
Yes the space is there and is necessary!
(Example: flash895 gap35ds4.F12)
4. Boot the system with the floppy (it will take a few minutes before screen comes out)
5. Re-flash the BIOS & reboot.
Here is how to create an autoexec.bat File
1. In Windows, open NotePad
2. In NotePad, write “flash895 gap35ds4.F12″ (without the quotes “ ”)
3. Save the file as autoexec.bat
try this, Get into Qflash Select F8 Within the BIOS to enter Qflash.
Or use This link
http://www.gigabyte.com.tw/Support/Motherboard/HowToReflashBIOS.aspxPlease DO NOT USE @BIOS!!