I installed this new mobo 3 days ago, all seemed fine until tonight, its the first time I've really used it for more than an hour since I did the install.
My specs
AMD Athlon II X4 620 CPU
Gigabyte 78LMT-USB3 Motherboard
8gb DDR3 Kingston ram
Windows 7 64bit Home Premium
570w PSU
My problem?
My internet is dropping/pausing for 3-5 secs every 10 minutes.
its long enough to pause any video streams and throw me offline from any online game I'm playing.
I've looked in the router logs and the router is showing no disconnections at all, (I'm connected via wire to the router)
I've also had my ipod on and waiting when these drops/pauses happen and the instant it stopped, I selected a site on my ipod and the browser on there loaded it instantly which proves the router is still connected ok and the problem is purely my pc.
Please help!
I do a lot of online gaming and right now this is ruining my fun when it dc's every 10 mins or so.
Advice?Sorry guys, I'm just stupid.. the mobo is fine, with me reinstalling windows when I fitted this mobo I set up my internet manually and gave the PC the same IP as my PS3, seems even with a game paused the PS3 connects to the net for 3-4 seconds every few mins and during that time, my PC was kicked off. I changed the ip on the PS3 and since then not a single disconnect.
Yes, I'm stupid
Mods, sorry for wasting your time, you're free to delete/lock/remove this pointless thread.