Hi there,
Motherboard 990FXA-UD3 rev 1.0, now I have on a Phenom II x3 720 processor, but i Bought a new FX-6300, and I read on the site that I need to update the bios to the last version to support it (now I have the F2 bios currently).
I tryed to do it by Q-Flash and @Bios, trying to put on the F9 Bios, but when I install it, at the folowing boot up, the PC makes 3 long beeps, pause, than 3 long beeps and so on....and the monotor is BLACK: I only manage to get back to Bios screen by unplugging ram or SATA channels randomly before booting up. When i manage to boot up, windows gives an error:
STOP: c0000221 Unknown Hard Error
Some other times the PC says that the bios is corrupted and it will restore the backup one: doing this doesnt solve nothing.
I managed to reinstall the F2 bios that I had saved on my USB key, useing Q-Flash, and with the backupped F2 bios the PC starts up and goes well!
So, is the F9 bios bugged??? Which bios should Iinstall before putting up my FX-6300? Will the F8 bios be good? Will the F8 Bios starts up my PC???