Official GIGABYTE Forum

New PCIe Card not Recognized on Cold Boot, Works Perfect on Restarts. Why?


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Need some help figuring this out. I have a Startech PEXUSB3S400 PCI Express USB 3.0 Card that will not be recognized on cold boots. It is recognized no problem on any restart and works fine until the next cold start. Using the latest driver for the Renesas/NEC uPD720202 chip. MB has the latest FH bios and the latest chipset drivers from the Gigabyte site, v9.1.2.1007.

The Card works perfect in a 32 bit XP machine so I am doubting it is defective. I am getting really tired of having to restart every time I turn the machine on.  Anyone have an idea where to start looking for the problem?

Thanks in advance.

Win7 64, I7 960 Bloomfield 3.2GHZ, GA-X58A-UD3R rev2, 12gb (3x4gb) triple channel kit of Corsair Vengeance Ram 1600mhz, Gigabyte GTX 550 TI Graphics card, Intel 520 240gb SSD.


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Hi there,

have you tried reflashing the BIOS to see if that helps?
Remember, when all else fails a cup of tea and a good swear will often help! It won't solve the problem but it will make you feel better.


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Hi there,

have you tried reflashing the BIOS to see if that helps?

No I hadn't thought about that considering I just flashed it to FH before the card install and everything else seems to be working fine.
Do bios's often have some parts work/some don't after a successful flash?
Thanks for the reply. 


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Here is some more background info from a discussion on another board that may help:

Upon a cold boot DM is clear of any warnings or unknown devices. The USB Controller section just doesn't show the new card controllers. Since I have my DM set to be able to show "Hidden Devices" (devices that are no longer installed) when I tick that option the new card controllers do show in the section grayed out as they would if the card was pulled which I think is normal and not a problem in this case.

After a restart the DM controller section shows the new cards controllers as it should and the card works fine until the next cold boot.
Also On cold boot, if go into bios first, card is recognized as in a restart.

Here are some thoughts that someone may have an answer to:
1. Since the card does work fine on restarts I would think that means the card and the slot it's in are not defective plus the card operates normally in an XP machine.

2. What is different from the cards point of view between a cold boot and a restart? Does the bios or windows recognize/treat a card different depending on whether it is a cold boot or restart?

3. Why would a bios not present a card to the OS during a cold boot but do it on restarts?

4. I flashed to the latest FH bios before installing the card. The only thing I changed from the optimized settings after reflash was turn on AHCI mode, set the memory to XMP profile 1 as recommend by Corsair, set the boot order I wanted and disabled the Marvell 9128 run GSATA controller which operates 2 MB Sata connectors which I am never going to use.

I did not install any raid drivers(Intel RST or the gigabyte sata raid drivers) since I'm not using raid. I have 2 DVD drives hooked to the 2 Gigabyte MB sata connectors operating in IDE mode.

To bad I didn't try the card before flashing to the new bios but it was successfully installed. If the new bios had a problem wouldn't other problems show up besides just a PCIe card recognize problem especially considering the video card is PCIe and works fine?

Edit: A suggestion from another forum--- Quick boot is not enabled, tried 5 sec HDD delay but no cigar. Good Idea to try though.


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Update: Contacted Gigabyte, tech said not a driver or bios problem. He thinks X58A chipset(at least on a Gigabyte board) does not give the X4 card the delay it needs on a cold boot in order to be recognized. A restart does give the needed delay and the card works. A X1 card does get the delay on a cold boot as my testing shows.

So it seems everything is working, the board, card and drivers. It's just this particular X4 USB3 card will not play well with my chipset and board.

Here are options we discussed
1. Live with the board and restart every time card is needed and or wait till late summer when the 1150 socket boards are out. The price will drop on the 1155 GA-Z77X-UD5H board/processors. Buy one of those and the card may then work or forget the card since the GA-Z77X-UD5H has loads of USB3 ports. Good plan if a person has the cash since it would be an upgrade over what I have now but sad because current board will only get a couple months use. What a waste.

2. Give this info to Startech and hope they will develop new firmware for the card that will let it work. Guess we will see how receptive they are to improving their products.

The tech did give me a way to decrease the hassle of restarts. Cold boot and as soon as the first screen appears hit the case reset button thereby saving time waiting for a full start and then restart. Pitiful in this day and age but what is one to do!

Any opinions on these options?

Thanks to every one who gave help and suggestions. I will report back after I see what Startech can do.