Official GIGABYTE Forum

annoying buzz in Z77-D3H v1.0

annoying buzz in Z77-D3H v1.0
« on: May 22, 2013, 05:38:14 pm »
Does anyone know why my MB has this annoying buzz? :
Please, listen....

As you can hear,  when I turn on the computer the first things are the fan starting on, and secons after it starts.

I tested everything one by one... changed the fans: they were not the source, not the power supply, not the graphic card, not the HDD, not RAM memory ...

The sounds comes exactly from the place I mark in the picture:

I must say that the computer works well, really I don't see anything going wrong. Only the annoying buzz that is driving me crazy; it's very hard and overwhelming.

It occurs from some weeks ago. At the begininng, when I purchased the PC, it sounds wasn't so loud.
In the shop where I bought the MB (8 months ago), they  say that they have to send the MB to Gigabyte in Germany, and it will be 20-30 days out untill I got an answer. I can't wait so long because I need the computer to work, so... can anybody help me to find the solution?

What can it be? what can I do?

I will be very grateful for your help.

best regards

Re: annoying buzz in Z77-D3H v1.0
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2013, 10:29:39 pm »
I found the solution!!!  I'm so happy  :-)

Simply updating the BIOS following these instructions...,2441.0.html

I don't know why or how, the only thing that I know is that my computer remains silent

Thank you very much for your help, Dark Mantis and absic for that topic  ;)

Best regards from Spain