Hello there!
It has been a couple of days since my PC has stopped working. It doesn't start up. It restarts automatically, it's in loop.
I press the power on botton and the fans start for a couple of seconds, then they switch off. After a second, the PC starts again and I'm able to see the boot menu. Now on the monitor are displayed the chipset model, the ram frequency (but not the amount of memory) and a screen: "Waiting for ME ready... 8". That 8 is a countdown and when it reaches 0... the PC switches off and the loop restarts.
I tried removing the ram memories block by block, I tried switching them and I also tried resetting the bios (clear cmos). I even removed the battery for ten hours... but nothing has changed.
On the contrary... since I've resetted the bios at the PC startup I don't have the default booting screen anymore, but a colored "touch bios" interface... anyway after ten seconds the PC keeps rebooting.
I changed the video card too, I tried a gtx 275, but the error is still there.
I unplugged the DVD player, HD and HHD... still nothing.
Someone have a solution?