Connected 1 120mm 3 pin fan to fan3 on the motherboard.
The settings in the Bios silent / normal and full work!
Fine tuned the setting Fan3 with Easy Tune and now the fan is running at the required rpm and temp.
Did some further testing Zaward 140mm 4 pin on sys fan 1 and sysfan 5 no go.
Gelid 4 pin on sysfan fan 5 - works / Zaward on system fan 5 does not work
Zalman 3 pin fan on system 3 works.
Since my Cpu 4 pin Gelid cooler is also not working correctly on the cpu fan header, it seems that the mb
has problems with certain 4 pin fans.
This matter is getting stranger by the minute, Zaward 4 pin does not work on sys fan 5 but 4 pin Gelid does, but Gelid
does not work correctly on the 4 pin CPU header.
Users of Noctua Fans have also encountered the same problem.
Trust a new bios will solve this issue.