I'm having some problems installing Windows 7 64 bit onto my machine and as I'm pretty new to this, I've probably missed something obvious. My set up is:
GA-990-FXA-UD5 (Rev. 3001)
AMD FX8320 Processor
Kingston SSDNow KC300 hard drive
2x8Gb Ballistix Tactical Tracer DDR3
NVidea GEForce GT630 Graphics Card
Every time I try to install Windows 7 64 bit, it asks for drivers. I point it at Hw7\AHCI\W764 (which is the folder I copied off the CD onto a USB) and I get an error saying "no new devices found" I get the same error with the drivers I downloaded from the Gigabyte support page for the motherboard. I've tried a different hard drive, different SATA port on the motherboard and changing the settings within the BIOS to IDE. Weirdly, Windows 8 installs fine.
Any help with working out what I've missed will be greatly appreciated