Having just checked the spec's for your motherboard, the problem shouldn't be down to the BIOS as your chosen CPU is supported out-of-the box. That's the good news!

Of course, that doesn't answer the question of why your new system isn't firing up.
If you could post back with a full list of the hardware you are trying to use it might help pinpoint where the problem is occurring.
In the meantime, do you have motherboard speaker attached and, if you do are you getting any beeps?
Have you tired removing all of the components except for CPU, one stick of RAM, GPU and keyboard and then tried to start up?
Have you checked to see if your GPU needs its own power and, if it does, have you connected the 6 or 8 pin power lead?
If you have put the Motherboard into a PC case, have you checked that it is mounted correctly and that there is no possibility of a short circuit? To confirm this is not an issue, remove the motherboard from the case and try starting it up on a cardboard box. For more info on how to do this check this thread:
http://forum.giga-byte.co.uk/index.php/topic,5704.msg45814.html#msg45814 where I go into putting a PC together, as it may help.