Official GIGABYTE Forum

Z87X-UD3H & Easytune fan problem

Z87X-UD3H & Easytune fan problem
« on: August 16, 2013, 05:11:06 pm »
I got 4 fans connected to board. CPU cooler fan in CPU_Fan, case fans in SYS_Fan1-3. All case fans are different size and so different max rpm. First problem is why GB has decided to combine fan control for sysfan2&3? And why not control sysfan4 at all? I was expecting more from this price range board. But those are things I can live with. Problem is with Easytunes fan control. I have set static rpm for case fans from Advanced settings and RPM fixed mode. After cold boot (haven't seen if this happens with reboot too) fans don't start to spin. When I open Easytune settings are still on. I need to adjust them again in order to start fans.

Easytunes newest available version. No other fan controlling software. I uninstalled speedfan because I thought it was causing this.


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Re: Z87X-UD3H & Easytune fan problem
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2013, 02:10:42 pm »
Same issue with Easytune fan control with the Z87X-UD5H. Fans start spinning as the system boots, but then the Easytune driver takes over and fans stop spinning. And indeed, the settings in the GUI show as if the software remembers the rpm settings, but somehow this does not translate into those settings being applied upon reboot.

Re: Z87X-UD3H & Easytune fan problem
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2013, 01:20:50 pm »
I uninstalled Easytune and fans started working again. Except when I cold booted nex time and sysfan1 is not spinning at all. Weird but I'll play around with it.