Official GIGABYTE Forum

GA-Z68X-UD3H-B3 R1.3 Bios 1UL

GA-Z68X-UD3H-B3 R1.3 Bios 1UL
« on: October 02, 2013, 07:27:33 pm »
I had my system up and running with windows 8.1 and wanted to get secure boot to work on it.  I went into bios and changed it to on and loaded up custom setting and then had it fill in with default keys.  After this the system won't "post" but appears to be running from all the fans spinning.  I get no mouse/keyboard/monitor at all.  It also appears to have every system debug light on now too.  I tried clearing the cmos 3 different times with system uplugged from wall with batter out for 30 minutes while constantly hitting the start button to drain the power from system.  I have also tried to take out graphics card, start with 1 stick of ram, start with no hds in the system and nothing seems to work.

Do you guys think my main bios became corrupt?  And if so what is a way to sure fire trigger the backup bios to take over?



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Re: GA-Z68X-UD3H-B3 R1.3 Bios 1UL
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2013, 08:50:20 pm »
People forget the secure boot thing. How many years have we run computers without this and didn't have any problems.

I have been dealing with computers from the early 1980's and I myself will not touch this with 10ft pole.

Try this. Make sure to follow directions carefully and exactly. If it does not work the first time try it again.

BIOS Recover Method Via Manually Invoking BACKUP BIOS Auto-Recovery
Using Power Supply - On/Off Switch

It is possible to make the BIOS Auto-Recovery kick in (Dual BIOS) and re-flash the MAIN BIOS with the contents of the BACKUP BIOS.

This is a simple and easy method for anyone to try before having to resort to other more difficult methods, or a RMA.

1. Shut off the power supply using the switch on the back of the PSU, wait 10-15 seconds.
2. Press and hold the case Power On swtich, then while still holding turn on the power supply from the switch on the rear.
3. Still holding the case power on switch, the board will start, once it does release the case power on switch and shut off the power supply via the switch on the read of the unit. (Do the latter two parts as quickly as you can once the board starts)
4. The board will shut down.
5. Turn the power supply back on using the switch on the rear of the unit.
6. Turn on the motherboard by pressing the case power on button.

Once the board starts this time you should see the Gigabyte splash screen, or POST page, then the Auto-Recovery from Dual BIOS will kick in. You will see a checksum error, and then recovery from BACKUP BIOS will begin. Once it is done reboot your machine and enter the BIOS and load optimized defaults then save/apply/reboot back to BIOS.

Now you are done, and will be using whatever BIOS was in your BACKUP BIOS, From there you can attempt whatever you were previously trying, or update your BIOS to the latest version.
X299X Aorus Master, i9-9940x-3.30Ghz, 64gb G-Skill DDR4-2400, MSI RTX-3070 8GB, Cooler Master case, Thermal-take PSU 850w, 1-M2-NMVe SSD-512gb, 3-Pny 1TB SSD, 2-WD Raptors 1TB, Win 11 pro 64bit, Asus 35" 144Mhz Monitor.

Re: GA-Z68X-UD3H-B3 R1.3 Bios 1UL
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2013, 08:59:02 pm »
Thank you for your help but I finally fixed it.  How I did it was find the cmos jumper cables on mobo and reset it.  Then I had to have my monitor pluged in to integrated and my dedicated video card I had to unplug from the power supply.  Once I did this combination I finally got into my bios and reset stuff back to default.  Thanks for you help and hopefully if another user encounters this my post can help them.  For some reason removing my battery did not clear the cmos and the only way was to use the jumper pins.