Hey all, it's my first post here... My Asus boards are hidden away, they don't work anyway!

Anyway, I'll get to the point. I own 2 Gigabyte boards, a P965 DS3 Rev 3.3 running a recent BIOS (F13 I think) and a P35 DS4 rev 1, also with a recent BIOS.
Both boards have a strange thing which happens when I reboot the machine. The machine turns off completely, then off, then on, then off, then on again, and then boots, often with my overclocking settings disabled.
The thing is, when I power up the computer from cold (as opposed to rebooting), then I get no problems like this, a perfect boot and overclocking setting preserved.
This isn't a massive problem for be but it's annoying nonetheless. I never tell my machine to reboot, I simply turn it off completely, then on again, as all this powering on/off/on/off when rebooting can't be doing my HD's any good...
Finally, this on/off/on/off problem when rebooting only seems to happen when overclocked, when I go back to stock FSB then I get no such problems.
What could be causing this and how can I fix it? I can list complete machine specs if needed...