Official GIGABYTE Forum

Mystical Lights

Mystical Lights
« on: November 30, 2013, 08:32:38 am »

I'm trying to turn on my computer and it's not responding to my commands. I've got the epic GA-X58A-UD3R motherboard and when I press the power button, all I see are 2 LEDs come on, a green and orange. The LEDs are from the cluster next to the DDR3 RAM. Looking from the bottom i.e. from where the PCI slots are, I get the 3rd and 4th LEDs light up as I said, Green is 3rd and 4th is orange (from the bottom), I'm talking left column.

I have no idea what LEDs should be lit or out when the computer is operating, I never paid attention to it. But all of a sudden, I press the power button and all that happens are those two lights come on and nothing else happens. Can you please let me know what those LEDs mean? I know they are DDR Voltage related, but not sure what they mean.


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Re: Mystical Lights
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2013, 01:14:26 pm »
You really have 8 led lights that light up. 4 near the memory and 4 to the right and up a little. All 8 lights will light. Have you tried another PSU?
« Last Edit: November 30, 2013, 01:15:05 pm by dmdilks »
X299X Aorus Master, i9-9940x-3.30Ghz, 64gb G-Skill DDR4-2400, MSI RTX-3070 8GB, Cooler Master case, Thermal-take PSU 850w, 1-M2-NMVe SSD-512gb, 3-Pny 1TB SSD, 2-WD Raptors 1TB, Win 11 pro 64bit, Asus 35" 144Mhz Monitor.

Re: Mystical Lights
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2013, 07:50:33 am »
Nope, haven't tried a different PSU but when everything is working fine, no lights are on, only when the computer doesn't start do I get those lights. I just need to turn off the PSU one or two times and fully discharge remaining capacitance so the LED on the mobo goes off and it then comes on, but not all the time and its taking more and more cycles before I'm able to get a successful start up. My computer also turns off randomly sometimes.


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Re: Mystical Lights
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2013, 09:10:21 am »
definitely sounds like a PSU issue
A8-5500 - Coolermaster Seidon 120M
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Corsair CX430M
Sandisk 120GB SSD
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