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I´m traing to intall an Intel X520 10Gb card, but the mother is not starting

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GA-Z87M-D3H not start with Intel X520 10Gb card

GA-Z87M-D3H not start with Intel X520 10Gb card
« on: February 05, 2014, 06:41:34 pm »
I´m traing to intall an Intel X520 10Gb card, but the mother is not starting when I install the card on any of the 2 Pci-e slots. The Mother has the last firmware F9. Could be possible to make it works? maybe changing the BIOS setup?



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Re: GA-Z87M-D3H not start with Intel X520 10Gb card
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2014, 12:42:47 am »
What OS are you running? You have to change those slots to legacy.
X299X Aorus Master, i9-9940x-3.30Ghz, 64gb G-Skill DDR4-2400, MSI RTX-3070 8GB, Cooler Master case, Thermal-take PSU 850w, 1-M2-NMVe SSD-512gb, 3-Pny 1TB SSD, 2-WD Raptors 1TB, Win 11 pro 64bit, Asus 35" 144Mhz Monitor.

Re: GA-Z87M-D3H not start with Intel X520 10Gb card
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2014, 03:20:15 pm »
The OS will be a linux, I want ton make this computer a NAS server, so I will use Debian 9  tihnk so...
Did you know how to set up all the PCI to legacy mode?
I forced to 2.0 from 3.0 and didn´t work.
I installed a PCI-e 1X ethernet card in the 16x slot and worked, the problem is with this card. The card is working fine in another mother with x8 slot, need to test in a x16 slot yet.