Hello all,
First post. Thanks for having me!
I have been attempting to get a GA-EP43-UD3L motherboard to work over the last few days but despite my best efforts, it will not load past the post screen and gives the dreaded BIOS Checksum Error.
Most people who have this issue report this message:
Retrieving recovery source from HPA..HPA BIOS not available!!
Retreiving recovery source from Back BIOS.... Done!
Writing BIOS Image..... 4048K OK"
However, when this particular motherboard gets to the last step, it does not reach a Kilobyte value. It has a series of periods (ha!), simply reboots and keeps on rebooting in a loop.
I have done every single thing I can think of and have come across on support forums including buying a new CMOS battery, resetting the CMOS, flashing every single BIOS revision that is available off of the Gigabyte support site. I have been going at this for three days now with no luck.
As far as I can tell there are many reasons why this error can occur but in my case I suspect that the M_BIOS chip has a dead cell. I came across another forum in which a guy got his tech buddy to swap the B_BIOS chip with the M_BIOS chip and this solved his problem. I have two questions:
1. Will this work?
2. Does Gigabyte supply new BIOS chips to out-of-warranty customers (for a fee of course)?
Any help on this issue is greatly appreciated.