Hi dmdilks,
I have indeed attempted to configure the speakers using the Windows Sounds environment before. Like the Realtek HD Audio Manager, Windows Sounds confirmed that the PC was aware of my 5.1 setup as well as what role each one of my speakers played in that setup (including the sub!). From the software's point of view everything works exactly as it should; in practice the audio performance of the PC suggests that it hasn't a clue about the existence of the subwoofer, instead sending that bass content to the front-right channel.
I think the drivers and version you have installed are fine. Can you test with other speakers? There is no reason based on what your doing that you shouldn't have all of the features, unless, something is not configured properly, or the Realtek drivers don't like something about your device.
Hi shadowsports,
Unfortunately short of purchasing a new suite of speakers, I'm not likely to get the opportunity to test your suggestion; I don't even know anyone with a 5.1 setup attached to their PC. The thing of it is, my speakers are pretty basic, I'd be surprised if there's even a single machine on this planet that couldn't make decent use of them let alone one the runs a mainboard that costs around £150.
However I have just been exposed to a minor revelation which may help us all redefine what we think the issue is...
Just to throw my hat into the ring on this subject. Have you tried running audio without the Realtek drivers and instead used the standard ones that come with Windows?
I learnt ages ago never to bother with Realtek drivers as they caused more trouble than they were worth and now set up my 5.1 system (when I run Windows) just using the basic setup facility in Sound manager and have no problems at all. This is on Windows 7, Windows 8 & also 8.1.
Now, getting 5.1 to work on my Hackintosh is a completely different ball game.
Hi absic,
Guess what? - BINGO!!!

I've just uninstalled the Realtek drivers (again) and configured the PC to run the audio using the Windows Sound manager. The sound manager allowed me to manipulate all the aspects of the sound that were apparently missing on my Realtek manager like say the
Bass Management. The sanity check confirmed that all was good (didn't celebrate at that point!); I then made a bee line for one of the videos shortcut to VLC Player and then BOOM - VLC Player was making use of the sub for the very first time since this work of art PC of mine was born in to existence.- A beautiful moment to be sure!
In all seriousness, whilst I am overjoyed that this issue has just reached a significant milestone on it's path to being resolved, I'll never be 100% satisfied until my machine is running Realtek drivers and software robust enough to do the job that the Windows generic drivers seem to be doing (albeit without some bells and whistles). As it stands it would appear that absent the Realtek HD Audio Manager, my PC refuses to load the Dolby Surround software environment (that came with the mainboard's drivers/utility disc) which bugs me somewhat.
Truth is, I have expended a lot of effort in to the planning and execution of this build; this IS my dream machine with premium components supplied by supposedly reputable manufacturers; cost was a secondary consideration (can you say, £1600 on all that makes up the tower?) - This is not some half-hearted effort, not by a long shot. Can you believe that I was seriously considering the purchase of a Creative Labs external (USB) 5.1 sound card? And that today I received confirmation from Amazon that my PCI riser cable has been dispatched so that if all else fails, I now have the option to apply this absurd workaround using a Creative Labs Audigy PCI card (from my prior build) that I currently have shelved! Again, this is my dream machine for crying out loud; In my opinion such contingency planning is far from acceptable and at the risk of sounding a little up my own ass: I deserve perfection out of this build!
Apologies if that came across as a bit ranty; It's probably the frustration talking!
To all who have contributed to the ideas bin throughout this thread, let me once again express my most sincerest thanks. I appreciate that this sort of back and forth costs you all a lot of time and effort. I still have Gigabyte e-support looking into the issue for me; if they can progress some positive action beyond the suggestion that I update my BIOS I'll be sure to let you know.