Hello everybody, since i just switched mobo brands im new to the forum, and since my last mobo was kinda crap, i never tried to OC none of my components, but now that got my gigabyte mobo (and since i know they are sweet at OCing) i wanted to know if my components worth the OC or i better left em alone.
So here it is:
Intel e8400
Sapphire Radeon 4850HD 512Mb (got it in the 1st week of release, so old but still loving it

OCZ DDR2 PC2-6400 / 800MHz / Fatal1ty Edition / EPP-Ready / 4GB Dual Channel
Gigabyte GA-EG41MF-US2H
ok i know those are pretty lame/cheap specs but i live in a 3rd world country so give em a break

Anyway there they are, is the OCing worth it? am i going to be able to notice any gains in FPS, responsiveness or whatever or their stocks are pretty much all theese are gonna ever give?
Thanks in advance for any reply or help.