Hello All.
please can you help me,
at first i had some drivers problems so gigabyte provide F6 bios for my mainboard. this Bios fixed the problem but now i have bigger problem as previous one.
by tests i found i am unable turn off secure boot in F6 bios, so my debian servers do not starts.
so i need backup my older bios back.
Gigabyte when sent F6 bios they said it will be possible backup my older bios back, but now i tried all 3 methods - Qflash, uefiflash, @bios and i always got same ERROR - i need use newer bios ...., i also tried Alt+F10 to backup dual bios but it is also F6 bios

So do you known any solution? (i read asus has one option they can forced older bios to mainboard, so i hope gigabyte should have something similar)
Than you.