I am trying to change the multiplier on my 3930k in the bios to make it run faster/overclock it. However no multiplier settings ever stick, whatever i set it to it just jumps back to the default 3.2GHz clock speed
I've turned off the powersaving setting that throttles the chip if all cores are active but literally nothing works.
For example the PC will boot at 4.00Ghz but the second i ask it to do anything the mutli flips to 3.2, going back into the bios afterwards confirms this...the new settings simply don't stick. I've followed EVERY GUIDE i can find but nothing works, even Easytune 6 (on an optimised defaults bios) and it's as if the board thinks it's a non K chip, i select 40 in the manual tab press apply and it just flips to 32 everytime
This isn't a case of overclocking success may vary, more it simply doesn't work AT ALL. My chip is the C2 stepping by the way and i'm on the F20 bios. Are there any newer BIOSs that i could try that might help, or is it known issue? I want to send it back to etailer i bought it from but think they'll reject the RMA on the basis that it works fine at stock (as if that has anything to do with anything)
Can anyone help?