I'm trying to install windows 8.1 x64 using motherboard z77-ds3h rev 1.0, downloaded the preinstall driver from mobo web
I've had no problems installing windows 7, but when I use the driver from the motherboard download section and choose it during windows 8.1 x64 installation I get the "no new devices drivers were found" error
tried updating BIOS and same problem
bios is on ahci mode, also tried with raid mode and same problem, this and disabling onboard video card are the only changes I made to bios options
what must I do to install windows 8.1 on this motherboard?
Oh, I must have missed reading where you said you were installing windows 8.1 from a USB stick. That was in your first post, right?

but when I use "the driver" from the motherboard download section
The mystery driver? Now I'm going to guess... Controller Driver?

How am I doing?
Come on man, lets get real. Your post lacks detail and isn't very descriptive. I see two potential problems here, but I'm only guessing based on the plethora of information you provided earlier.
I assume the mystery drivers you are referring to are controller drivers (that terminology would have helped). The .inf files should be located in the root of a FAT32 formatted USB stick. NTFS may also work. Did you use the utility to create the stick the drivers are on? Are they in fact in the root?
You may also consider trying different install media. The .iso you are using might be faulty. Just because you were successful with W7 doesn't mean your W8 media will work the same way. The error you are describing might indicate a problem with the install media. The way it was burned, created or where it was downloaded from.
If you promise to provide more information, I promise not to tell people I earn my living as an IT professional and only have two windows installs under my belt.