I have bought boart from topic. But I have big problem, I can't boot any Linux. My board has BIOS in version F3. I have tried changed option in BIOS to legacy but still does't work.
First step I have run debian-jessie-DI-a1-amd64-netinst. When I have changed the opition in BIOS I could install Debian, instalation was complite but when I have restarted computer system hasn't to run (I saw only black screen).
Next I have tried Fedora 20, Mint 17 and without result. When I boot Fedora installation has started but when I saw logo of Fedora computer was restart (also I saw blue artifacts on my monitor). I also tried witch ubuntu-gnome-14.04-desktop-amd64 and computer was restarting all time when I saw logo.
And I don't now problem is damaged board or support witch Linux ?
I haven't installed Winsows yet.
I checked my RAM witch Memtest, test OK.
I also made boot stick witch diference programs for exsample: LiveUSB Creator, rufus-1.4.9, USBWriter-1.2, unetbootin-windows-578, Universal-USB-Installer-
Maybe problem is witch UEFI ? It is my first board witch this.
Please help my