Official GIGABYTE Forum

Variable voltage on Gaming 7


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Variable voltage on Gaming 7
« on: May 01, 2015, 06:13:02 pm »
Hey Guy's,
after many years of using AMD based systems (as well as overclocking them) I finally gave up waiting for AMD to produce a decent flagship processor and upgraded my aging FX8150 for a Devils Canyon i7 4790K and a GA-Z97X-Gaming 7.
Talk about night and day, the difference is amazing and I'm reading everything I can get my hands on to try and understand the slightly different Bios.
Whilst reading up about Intel systems and this chip in particular I came to realise that my G7 was giving too much voltage to the CPU. At stock the motherboard is giving the chip 1.290v or thereabouts which I understand is usual for these moBos to give slightly more than is needed simply for stability.
I've since changed the voltage manually to 1.2v for now and will fine tune it further as I get to know the system more and more.
I've noticed however that once I manually change the voltage to the lower figure it stops being variable meaning when the chip lowers to .700mhz the voltage stays at 1.2v. If I open the Intel XTU I find I can turn the variable mode back on within Windows but I can't find a similar setting in the bios apart from the usual speedstep settings which are all enabled.
Where am I going wrong anyone know?


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Re: Variable voltage on Gaming 7
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2015, 08:14:47 pm »
Actually further research has shown me that Vcore is reducing as it should without having to enable it through XTU. It just depends on what you use to monitor the voltages.

I think.....