Thanks for your support.
I tested only with memory, CPU and VGA, I continued with the problem.
I tested with another power supply and memory. The VGA working successfully in another PC.
I tested with PS2 Keyboard, now I enter in Bios, in Bios I checked the parameter "Legacy USB " is enabled, but the ports USB not working.
I can see in Bios the CPU (fx-8320), memory (1600 MHz) the system is detected it.
Now when I started the system not found my Windows disk. In Bios I can see my disk but my system not started.
Also the ports USB not working.
I try to update with Q-Flash the firmware in the stick USB but Q-Flash not found the drive. Is strange because in Bios I can see this USB.
There are 2 issues,
1) The usb ports not working.
2) The motherboard not found any disk, DVD..
Also I load defaults settings, and optimize settings, my own configuration not successfully....
Please help me, I hope that the motherboard has not been broken, I need the computer..
thanks for your support.