Official GIGABYTE Forum

Help with wrong BIOS (factory error)

Help with wrong BIOS (factory error)
« on: September 03, 2015, 03:28:04 pm »
Hi everybody!

I just found that my Z87MX-D3H cames factory with a Z87M-D3H BIOS!

I posted in many forums and still looking for suggestions on what to do.

I just can't flash anyway the right BIOS because the "M" BIOS is 8MB, and the "MX" BIOS is 16MB (BIOS ID error, File size error and etc...). Until now I could not find a way to "force" it flash. I know the chip is 16MB and it's ok to do it.

I know someone will ask "why you want to flash?". The answer is simple: I run a "hackintosh", and I'm experiencing a lot of problems with USB, because as I found in the specs, the USB is different on the two models.

Gigabyte (of course) told me to send the mobo back. I don't want it, since i run my business (a Mixing Studio) with the mobo, and I just can't stop.

Anyone knows how to "force" the BIOS to flash? I've already done all the conventional methods (efiflash, qflash...).
I thought about compiling a "temporary" BIOS that bypass this "lock" thing of not being able to flash a different id and size BIOS, and then flashing the correct "MX" latest BIOS.

I don't have access to specific hardware to do it. I need a "software" solution.

Thanks very much in advance,


p.s. sorry for my bad english!

p.s.2 screenshots of the problem:


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Re: Help with wrong BIOS (factory error)
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2015, 04:34:16 am »
This is one of those cases where you buy what you need to keep your business going.  Then figure out how to solve the problem.  Is your entire livelihood really based on one PC.   ???

I can't even find a place that has this model in stock.  Not sure where you are living.  Time for ebay.  :-\ 

There is no magic pill for this issue.  Certainly no "software" only fix I am aware of.  These issues require a chip re-programmer.  The ROM is protected for a reason.  Q-Flash is as basic as it gets (software wise).  Unless you are a programmer, building a custom BIOS is risky, and you need to be prepared to brick your board.  Crummy way to find out you have a defective board.  I'm sure Gigabyte would resolve it for you, but you'll have to give it up for this to happen.   Uphill battle for sure.  Good luck
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