I have a GA-970A-DS3P, AMD FX-8320, 16 gigs of ram and now windows 10. I keep getting this error which is new to windows 10. but i was also getting an error that would crash the latest version and 1 previous version of Easy tune 6. My current version is B15.210.1. The error i get is "This Driver cant release to failure!!" in a white window with grey font. In both windows 8.1 and windows 10 easy tune 6 crashes if left minimized. if it starts itself up at boot and left alone more often it doesn't crash but i still see the error listed in windows 10. The error seems to happen 2 to 3 times when it starts up. Also it doesn't seem to be controlling the fans listed unless i set them but ignores the temp settings of the SMART fan settings. WHEN are you going to fix it? OR how can i fix it? since i got this motherboard this program has not worked right.