So I installed Windows. After a day of work became a boot to the Windows logo.
Reinstal Windows and has the same thing.
I changed the SATA ports and the system began to run and work well.

After plugging in the port SATA HDD sometimes I have problems accessing the data.
PluralEyes Edius plugin will not work because they no longer see the files.

My bios Sata settings.

4 SATA ports are working well. After connecting anything to the "RED SATA" begin to have problems with those ports.
Please check it in yourself, how you act on these ports for one day normal operation.
These ports are shared with M.2. They should, however, work normally. Unfortunately, in my work badly. I do not have the disk M.2.
Why of these ports "RED SATA" the problems are, after a few hours?