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Motherboard GA-H81M-DS2V with Intel G3258 New Build


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Motherboard GA-H81M-DS2V with Intel G3258 New Build
« on: October 02, 2015, 03:22:44 pm »
I'm trying to duel boot (2 separate hardrives) Windows 7 32bit and Linux Mint 17.2 64 bit,Would any one be familiar on which settings I should use on page 23 under Bios settings:
*Windows 8 Features
*CSM Support
*Boot Mode Selection
see manual here:
My old Motherboard was an ECS GeForce6100SM-M, And I had it set up as Mint 13 32bit as Drive sda and and Windows 7 32bit on Drive sdb.I installed Grub(boot loader) to sda,and everything worked fine.I could restart computer and was presented with the Grub screen which I could boot either into Windows or Mint.
On my new build with this Gigabyte motherboard,I have my drives set up the same way and installed Grub to the Mint MBR, but Grub screen wont load....(I believe I used the setting "UEFI and Legacy" under Boot Mode Selection,
Should I try a "Legacy only" install (would this be like the old bios settings)?
« Last Edit: October 02, 2015, 03:24:17 pm by sulaco »


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Re: Motherboard GA-H81M-DS2V with Intel G3258 New Build
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2015, 03:56:42 pm »
Try and turn off secure boot. I could be wrong but Linux people have had problems with that.
X299X Aorus Master, i9-9940x-3.30Ghz, 64gb G-Skill DDR4-2400, MSI RTX-3070 8GB, Cooler Master case, Thermal-take PSU 850w, 1-M2-NMVe SSD-512gb, 3-Pny 1TB SSD, 2-WD Raptors 1TB, Win 11 pro 64bit, Asus 35" 144Mhz Monitor.


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Re: Motherboard GA-H81M-DS2V with Intel G3258 New Build
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2015, 05:21:45 pm »
Yes,Secure Boot was disabled.


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Re: Motherboard GA-H81M-DS2V with Intel G3258 New Build
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2015, 06:10:04 pm »
Sorry I can't help you on this one, it has been many years since I ran a Linux / windows dual boot. All I can say is if the old board was legacy try running in legacy mode. Does Linux support UEFI?
X299X Aorus Master, i9-9940x-3.30Ghz, 64gb G-Skill DDR4-2400, MSI RTX-3070 8GB, Cooler Master case, Thermal-take PSU 850w, 1-M2-NMVe SSD-512gb, 3-Pny 1TB SSD, 2-WD Raptors 1TB, Win 11 pro 64bit, Asus 35" 144Mhz Monitor.


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Re: Motherboard GA-H81M-DS2V with Intel G3258 New Build
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2015, 10:55:52 pm »
I believe most current Linux distros do support UEFI,.....I just Discovered  :-\ that Win 7 32bit bit does not support UEFI....64bit does
Yes,Im going to try a Legacy install,will see if that works.....
So I would toggle "Legacy Only" under Boot Mode Selection,correct?page 23
"Legacy Only---Allows booting from operating system that only support legacy option ROM"
What does the ROM mean in this statement?


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Re: Motherboard GA-H81M-DS2V with Intel G3258 New Build
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2015, 11:20:45 pm »
I look and this is what I came up with. That is how I would set it. This should make everything Legacy.

CSM Support
Enables or disables UEFI CSM (Compatibility Support Module) to support a legacy PC boot process.
* Always Enables UEFI CSM. (Default)

Boot Mode Selection
Allows you to select which type of operating system to boot.
* Legacy Only Allows booting from operating systems that only support legacy Option ROM.

Storage Boot Option Control
Allows you to select whether to enable the UEFI or legacy option ROM for the storage device controller.
* Legacy Only Enables legacy option ROM only. (Default)
* Legacy First Enables legacy option ROM first.

Other PCI Device ROM Priority
Allows you to select whether to enable the UEFI or Legacy option ROM for the PCI device controller other
than the LAN, storage device, and graphics controllers.
* Legacy OpROM Enables legacy option ROM only.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2015, 11:22:41 pm by dmdilks »
X299X Aorus Master, i9-9940x-3.30Ghz, 64gb G-Skill DDR4-2400, MSI RTX-3070 8GB, Cooler Master case, Thermal-take PSU 850w, 1-M2-NMVe SSD-512gb, 3-Pny 1TB SSD, 2-WD Raptors 1TB, Win 11 pro 64bit, Asus 35" 144Mhz Monitor.


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Re: Motherboard GA-H81M-DS2V with Intel G3258 New Build
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2015, 11:26:50 pm »
After i put up the last post I was thinking when you are installing windows 8 & Linux are you using the UEFI DVD drive? I think it will give you that option.
X299X Aorus Master, i9-9940x-3.30Ghz, 64gb G-Skill DDR4-2400, MSI RTX-3070 8GB, Cooler Master case, Thermal-take PSU 850w, 1-M2-NMVe SSD-512gb, 3-Pny 1TB SSD, 2-WD Raptors 1TB, Win 11 pro 64bit, Asus 35" 144Mhz Monitor.


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Re: Motherboard GA-H81M-DS2V with Intel G3258 New Build
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2015, 03:26:28 am »
After i put up the last post I was thinking when you are installing windows 8 & Linux are you using the UEFI DVD drive? I think it will give you that option.
Installed Win 7 32 bit,........Success,Toggled Boot Mode Selection to "Legacy",Re-installed both os's and now have Grub,Taking your suggestion and switching your recommendations to Legacy.
Thank you dmdilks,for your time


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Re: Motherboard GA-H81M-DS2V with Intel G3258 New Build
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2015, 04:46:33 am »
Glad you got it working. But the things is maybe down the road you could try the UEFI again. There is a lot stuff out there on it. Because that is the way of the future.

Things have really change in the past 3 or 4 yrs. Plus you up and running again with both OS  ;)
X299X Aorus Master, i9-9940x-3.30Ghz, 64gb G-Skill DDR4-2400, MSI RTX-3070 8GB, Cooler Master case, Thermal-take PSU 850w, 1-M2-NMVe SSD-512gb, 3-Pny 1TB SSD, 2-WD Raptors 1TB, Win 11 pro 64bit, Asus 35" 144Mhz Monitor.


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Re: Motherboard GA-H81M-DS2V with Intel G3258 New Build
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2015, 09:22:16 pm »
There is a lot stuff out there on it. Because that is the way of the future. 
Agreed,I need to do my research,Thanks again.