Hi I have a bios update for the Gigabyte 990fxa ud3 version 3 pcb that I made my self.
I did not really see much hope of seeing an update to this board as the latest bios has been in beta since 2014/10/07 with no updates looking likely if it is held in beta for this long.
This bios update has been prepaired by me to update a few modules in the board's bios to newer versions.
It probally wont flash with the windows @bios program because of signature checks but it you flash from the gigabyte q-bios in bios it skips these checks.
I really dont reccomend flashing from windows anyway.
Below are the updates included in the bios:
OROM AMD RAID MISC 4392 - 3.2.1540.6 uppdated to 3.3.1540.19)
OROM AMD RAID MISC 4393 - 3.3.1540.17 updated to 3.3.1540.19)
EFI AMD RAID - updated to
EFI AMD Utility - updated to
OROM Realtek Boot Agent - 2.60 updated to 2.63)
EFI Realtek UNDI - 2.027 updated to 2.035)
EFI Broadcom UNDI - 14.0.6 updated to 16.8.5)
OROM Broadcom Boot Agen (new rom inserted not in original bios 16.8.0)
OROM Marvell 88SE9192 - (left alone no suitable update found)
EFI AMD AGESA OrochiPI - (unable to update this i believe u code patches are embedded in source)
I have updated this and tested it my self on my computer and all is working but dont blame me if it goes wrong but as this board is a dual bios it is possibly quite safe to flash and there is a wire trick to jumper the lock pins on the bios chip to force the secondary bios to load.
I have found info of updated amd microcode ( but I dont think it is a simple task to patch it in as it is compiled in the blob from what I believe it will require an update from gigabyte unless they want to provide the source code?.
This is a vishera ucode update to fix issuies with optron 3000 chips using vmware but that wont apply to many of the people using this board outside a server enviroment.
This bios is best to be flashed from q'-flash in bios and you must reset the bios with the jumper afterwards to clear the config for the orom modules
Im not really shure on this but the bios has a Broadcom lan option rom embedded in the bios when it has a realtek lan chipset on board so I guess with a suitable card you can boot from it as oposed to the onboard card so I embedded a boot agent in to the image to hopefully it will give you the ablity to load the computer off an external pci or pcie lan card (I don't have a card to test).'
I was hoping this would spur the bios team to link the cpu fan to one of the other voltage controlled fans (CPU_OPT header) so I can control both the speed of the water cooling pump and the radiator fans automatically from the cpu temprature feedback, as this cant be done with out the source code my previous 10 year old striker extreme had this feature!!!!.
These below boards contain this feature but none of them are actually AMD chipset boards and it does not look like any amd boards contain this feature so my problem is when my case os cold my radiator fan turns off and my cpu cooks, and being that this is an AMD provided water cooling kit that comes with their chip I would of expected them to come across this problem when they tested.
1. GA-Z170X-Gaming 6 (rev. 1.0) (intel only)
2. G1.Sniper Z170 (rev. 1.0)
3. GA-Z170MX-Gaming 5 (rev. 1.0)
4. GA-Z170X-Gaming GT (rev. 1.0)
5. GA-Z170X-UD3 (rev. 1.0)
The download contains a crc to verify the bios image