Official GIGABYTE Forum

GA-Z170X-Gaming 7 Error Code 55 Memory Initialization Error


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Re: GA-Z170X-Gaming 7 Error Code 55 Memory Initialization Error
« Reply #30 on: August 09, 2016, 06:06:03 pm »
I had the same problem with Gaming 7 Motherboard +G.Skill RipJaws V 3000  Memory. (Error 55 at boot)
Solution is simple - Change settings "Memory boot mode" to "Fastboot off" in M.I.T. After reboot system perform a very long test of memory modules and apply correct values to frequency and voltage.
After this you can change settings to auto. With settings "Fastboot always on" after cold reboot UEFI gets bad memory setting again and error 55 occurs.

Re: GA-Z170X-Gaming 7 Error Code 55 Memory Initialization Error
« Reply #31 on: November 03, 2016, 10:26:27 pm »
Hey guys, this thread is a little old but for anyone else that still has this problem, I also ran into it and when I figured out the solution I had to face palm myself.

The G7 only has one release tab on each memory slot. When I installed the memory I would put the bottom end in first then put pressure on the top half(closest to the release tab) until I heard the "click". What was happening is that the bottom end was lifting ever so slightly due to the force on the top half, enough to throw error 55 my way. Once I noticed this and pressed firmly on the bottoms of the sticks it POST'ed without a problem.

Hope this helps out anyone else with the same issue
Yes it did. Same MB same issue, was going to return it and then saw this and now it is booting in to the BIOS.


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Re: GA-Z170X-Gaming 7 Error Code 55 Memory Initialization Error
« Reply #32 on: November 20, 2016, 11:39:52 am »
Hi all,

I've recently bought a new GA-Z170X Gaming 7 (rev 1.0) board and am now looking to buy the RAM for my build. Searching online, I've come across a whole load of Error 55 issues with this board (including this topic) and I'm now having second thoughts.

Reading through this thread, there doesn't appear to be any single solution to the issue. Is there any particular RAM that has repeatedly worked with this board?

I've read that even the RAM mentioned in the Memory Support List do not work if they're not native 2133 MHz sticks - is this the case?

I don't need overclocked RAM, so am I best to go with 2133 MHz?

It otherwise seems like a solid, well-designed board, so I don't particularly want to return it. That said, RAM issues is an obvious show-stopper.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: GA-Z170X-Gaming 7 Error Code 55 Memory Initialization Error
« Reply #33 on: November 20, 2016, 03:16:46 pm »
Corsair Vengeance LPX.  16GB /2133 about $78 NewEgg
Z390 AORUS PRO (F10) \850w, 9900K, 32GB GSkill TriZ RGB - 16-18-18-38, RTX 3080Ti FTW3 Ultra, 960 Pro_m.2, W11
Z370-HD3P (F5) \750w, 8350K, 8GB LPX 3200 - 16-18-18-38, GTX 970 FTW SC, Intel SSD, 2TB RAID1, W11
Z97X-UD5H \850w, 4790K, 32GB Vengeance, RTX 2080 FTW


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Re: GA-Z170X-Gaming 7 Error Code 55 Memory Initialization Error
« Reply #34 on: November 20, 2016, 06:21:39 pm »
Corsair Vengeance LPX.  16GB /2133 about $78 NewEgg

Thanks for the reply.

Unfortunately I'm in the UK so it's more £££ than $80, but if it works I'm willing to pay!

Weirdly, 3000MHz RAM in the UK is often cheaper than 2133MHz of the same brand - presumably supply/demand. Would it be a safer option for me to go for the 2133MHz regardless?


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Re: GA-Z170X-Gaming 7 Error Code 55 Memory Initialization Error
« Reply #35 on: November 21, 2016, 04:07:53 am »
Most running the LPX are 2400~3000 stable.  Haven't seen anyone at 2666.  One guy got 2800. 

Another x99 user who got 3100 (different than you obviously), but chipset is finicky about RAM just the same. 

As long as you have a K series CPU I think you'll be fine.
Z390 AORUS PRO (F10) \850w, 9900K, 32GB GSkill TriZ RGB - 16-18-18-38, RTX 3080Ti FTW3 Ultra, 960 Pro_m.2, W11
Z370-HD3P (F5) \750w, 8350K, 8GB LPX 3200 - 16-18-18-38, GTX 970 FTW SC, Intel SSD, 2TB RAID1, W11
Z97X-UD5H \850w, 4790K, 32GB Vengeance, RTX 2080 FTW


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Re: GA-Z170X-Gaming 7 Error Code 55 Memory Initialization Error
« Reply #36 on: November 21, 2016, 09:18:45 am »
Most running the LPX are 2400~3000 stable.  Haven't seen anyone at 2666.  One guy got 2800. 

Another x99 user who got 3100 (different than you obviously), but chipset is finicky about RAM just the same. 

As long as you have a K series CPU I think you'll be fine.

Thanks for the response.

I'm more than happy to run 2400/3000 MHz rated sticks at 2133 since I know it makes no discernible difference for my use cases.

I've just read so many issues with buying RAM for this motherboard I'm being over cautious.

The only RAM I can find with a part number that perfectly matches one on the official memory support list for the board is this set from G.Skill:

But even then the board doesn't support 4 of them (for future).

All the Corsair RAM part numbers differ by one or two letters/numbers. For example this 16GB Corsair LPX set is: CMK16GX4M2A2400C14, which does not appear on the supported memory list. But CMK16GX4M4A2400C14 does. That number refers to the number of modules in a given set - almost as though the board doesn't really support 8GB modules?!

To cut this short, I need to decide between the following:

1. Corsair 2x8GB LPX 2400MHz -
2. Corsair 2x8GB LPX 2133MHz -
3. G.Skill Ripjaws V 2x8GB 2400MHz -

I'm leaning towards the G.Skill since that model number does appear on the Gaming 7 supported memory list.

PS. Will be used with a 6600K, possibly OCed to 4.0, but not immediately. First build...
« Last Edit: November 21, 2016, 09:34:51 am by andy9l »

Re: GA-Z170X-Gaming 7 Error Code 55 Memory Initialization Error
« Reply #37 on: November 25, 2016, 06:25:49 am »
Wow thank you this makes a lot of sense.  I thought about how the clock could be an issue but on Newegg, where i bought it from, it says:DDR4 3866*(*O.C)/ 3733*/ 3666*/ 3600*/ 3466*/ 3400*/ 3333*/ 3300*/ 3200*/ 3000*/ 2800*/ 2666*/ 2400*/ 2133.  So i guess you need to get into the bios with a non overclocked speed, only 2133 and then you can boost them.  That is a huge issue and I dont really want to buy more RAM but who knows how long it will take to fix this.  My RAM also says compatible with the Z170 which makes me even more mad.  Do you get an error 55 even if you dont put any RAM in?

This is a mistake about 80% of the people make. Yes it says you can run that memory. But you will have to really by theory OC the memory. That is why they put behind the clock speed a * or oc. It has been like this for years.

Most people think WOW I can run 3000 memory on the board. Yes you should be able to drop in 2400 to 3866 and it should run by default run at 2133. Like I said the memory controller is in the CPU. So is it the CPU or the board? 

The problem that the people are having with this series board is really bad. They are having problems with almost everything on the board.

Don't blame the users

Blame the motherboards, socket creaters and gigabyte . This board was released in a Long time , gigabyte still didn't fix it. 

I m sure we wouldn't deal with this problem if we bought asus or asrock

My z170x gaming 7 had the same issue with 55 code.

16 (8x2) gb 3000 ghz from corsair
« Last Edit: November 25, 2016, 06:28:11 am by Believerguy »

Re: GA-Z170X-Gaming 7 Error Code 55 Memory Initialization Error
« Reply #38 on: December 17, 2016, 04:46:45 pm »
I'm having a similar issue. I've been using this computer for a year. Just unhooked it from my parents house and moved it to my place and suddenly it won't boot. It just keeps restarting itself without recognizing monitor or any USB devices. Giving error 55. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Gigabyte gaming 7,  i7 6700k , tridentz 3200mhz only had them clocked at 2133 though. Have had no issues other than USB drives on the back not functioning properly.


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Re: GA-Z170X-Gaming 7 Error Code 55 Memory Initialization Error
« Reply #39 on: December 18, 2016, 06:27:18 pm »
Hi, I am very regret and very sorry to have bought the GA-Z170X-Gaming 7. Unfortunately, I have a "Code 55" error.
My ram brand is like this:



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Re: GA-Z170X-Gaming 7 Error Code 55 Memory Initialization Error
« Reply #40 on: December 18, 2016, 11:17:42 pm »
So I ended up buying 2x8GB G.Skill 2400MHz RAM (F4-2400C15D-16GVR) for my build - these are listed on the QVL.

First 50-60 hours of run time were absolutely fine. I was running 16GB @ 2133MHz, which was perfect. Then one day that dropped to 8GB (ie. only one stick now working). I haven't opened my case or even gone into BIOS...

Tonight, I've just tried a replacement set of the same RAM and neither of those modules work at all. So I've got one stick that seems to work perfectly well and three that don't. All the same model.

I've tried:

1. Enabling XMP
2. Manually changing frequency to 2133MHz and 2400MHz
3. Disabling fast memory boot
4. All combinations of modules in DIMM slots

My one magical RAM module works with any combination of the above, but the other sticks do not. I can add the non-working sticks alongside the working one to boot, but it only boots with 8GB.

Any other suggestions before I return this very, very questionable mobo?
« Last Edit: December 18, 2016, 11:18:47 pm by andy9l »


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Re: GA-Z170X-Gaming 7 Error Code 55 Memory Initialization Error
« Reply #41 on: December 21, 2016, 11:36:53 pm »
This was my solution:

  • Get a set of 2x8GB native 2133MHz Corsair Vengeance LPX RAM - CMK16GX4M2A2133C13(R) (US / UK Amazon links)
  • Insert the Corsair RAM
  • Reset my CMOS
  • Boot into BIOS and 'Load Optimised Defaults'
  • 'Save and exit' BIOS
  • Boot straight back into BIOS and enable 'Profile1' from XMP (probably optional)
  • Config BIOS as needed since CMOS reset it all
  • Save and reset

Worked without a hitch.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2016, 11:38:53 pm by andy9l »


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Re: GA-Z170X-Gaming 7 Error Code 55 Memory Initialization Error
« Reply #42 on: October 08, 2017, 01:39:53 am »
Just posting here for others that may end up here, my problem ended up being like the other people here with the RAM seating.  When you fasten the sticks on one side, the other side lifts up slightly. After you seat the RAM sticks you have to push the whole stick again (on both sides) to make sure it remains inside. 

This fixed my error 55.

Re: GA-Z170X-Gaming 7 Error Code 55 Memory Initialization Error
« Reply #43 on: December 05, 2017, 09:16:17 pm »
I currently got this error code on my motherboard with 2 sets of ram, i got my 2nd set of ram off of the gigabyte site and list, a Ballistix Sport LT 16GB single, i'm getting no boot to windows or even option to access bios to change the 2400Mhz down to 2133 which i've seen as successful, What can i do? any help is appreciated, Thank you!


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Re: GA-Z170X-Gaming 7 Error Code 55 Memory Initialization Error
« Reply #44 on: December 06, 2017, 04:19:11 am »
I would suggest starting your own thread.  Provide your complete system specs, BIOS rev and model of your memory kits. Brand, model #'s, etc so we have a better understanding of your system.  We cannot tell this from your post.

« Last Edit: December 06, 2017, 04:20:53 am by shadowsports »
Z390 AORUS PRO (F10) \850w, 9900K, 32GB GSkill TriZ RGB - 16-18-18-38, RTX 3080Ti FTW3 Ultra, 960 Pro_m.2, W11
Z370-HD3P (F5) \750w, 8350K, 8GB LPX 3200 - 16-18-18-38, GTX 970 FTW SC, Intel SSD, 2TB RAID1, W11
Z97X-UD5H \850w, 4790K, 32GB Vengeance, RTX 2080 FTW