Official GIGABYTE Forum

GA-H57M-USB3 Issues

GA-H57M-USB3 Issues
« on: April 08, 2010, 02:46:09 am »
hello everybody, I was wanting to share too my experience of the new gigabyte GA-H57M-USB3 motherboard. I decided to build up a new system for more CPU intensive jobs like photos editing and many others transfert thru usb3, I decided that the i5-670 would be adequate for my budget and what I was wanting it to do. The GA-H57M-USB3 seemed a good idea as it had both firewire and USB3, coupled with the h57 chipset, I was too fussed about on-board graphics as my processor did support it...

i'm a resseller and assembler into a computer store. I assembled everything nicely for my customer, double and triple checked everything, then pressed the power turned on, beeped one time then start the procedure to create my Raid 5 and then install win 7, I thought everything was normal, and it seemed that way for a while, I managed to load windows7 for the first time and open the explorer, loaded quite a bit of soft drivers from the web and started using the computer as normal.....however all was not perfect in paradise.  after 20 min approx. the machine, turning completely off then back on. This happened a few times, and in the end I suspected the memory kit ,i decided to swap the memory kit.
I noticed that when resetting the computer through windows after having been running the computer for over 20 minutes, that the motherboard would not perform a soft reset any more, but would turn off completely (about 2 seconds) then back on. The computer would however perform a soft reset if restarted when still cool. It wasn't until it hard reset during the loading in safe mode, that I suspected something seriously wrong. I have so far swapped power supplies, swapped hard drives (raid5) to one drive in AHCI and after in IDE mode and try in legacy mode (no IRQ share for them), updated to the latest bios, checked heat sink to cpu bond,the cpu good connected into his soket,still the board now reboot each tim i try to re-install win 7 during the first load DVD! I suspected the "Turbo Boost" and went into the Bios to disable it and to check all myself...curiousely the QPI auto mode choose 6,4GT/s 48X but my Cpu normaly need 36X 4,8GT/s, i fixed it manually and all other setting that was in auto puted in normal mode, fixed all freq. and remove special turbo mode...
these solutions did'nt fix the problem...i suspected a deffect motherboard and made a RMA exchange procedure, but the new board, even set manually with basic and correct setting gived the same problem
i'm now waiting the new cpu i5-670 from Intel thanks for them, they have accepted to swap it with a new one (i suspected that the QPI set up the first time @ 6,4GT/s had burn some faiture into the cpu) and hope that i will have a new good start, i contacted Gigabyte too, they did'nt answer me why the QPI auto mode did'nt choose the corect value for my CPU but they have send me a Beta version Bios F6a to test for them
i don't have choice for the moment than to accept it, because this machine must be delivered in one week and corespond to the offer done to my Pro customer . i lost already 2 days with this story and it's not finish, this is not good for my Gigabyte sens of reputation..

I would be interested to hear if other people Has anyone else experienced reliability or hardware incompatibility issues with the GA-H57M-USB3?

Re: GA-H57M-USB3 Issues
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2010, 03:55:43 am »
i forgot to display my config hardware  ::)

GA-H57M USB3 rev 1.0 (batch 1004)
Intel I5-670
Kingston KVR1333D3N9K2/4G (chip Elpedia)
PSU FSP Everest 800 80+
1x DVDR Samsung SH-S203

Re: GA-H57M-USB3 Issues
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2010, 07:24:20 am »
I understand your frustration.  I am on the h55m-usb3 and I am on the F6 bios.  I reverted to the f5 bios and it seems the only way I can get some decent settings is if I set the qpi to x32 or the next one.  im at 230 bclk on ln2 and it just wont roll beyond it.  I was expecting more bclk..

  I was able to get the following benches finished but I feel like I can push it a lot more.  WTF is with this board?  If I dial in settngs it seems to not post but if I leave the prerequisites like vtt, vdimm, qpi etc on auto it seems to fly.  Am I missing something here?  heres what I have so far.

the only settings I am changing are the cpu specific like all cores enabled and hpr threading...all below are disabled.
in the rest of the settings I set the ram at turbo and ran qpi at 32 and 36.  then the vcore at 1.3-1.55 1.6 is crap.  just backed mem multi to 8x and did my timings .  other than that its all auto.  is there another bios you dudes at gigacrap can send me?  screw this crap.. i'm out!



Re: GA-H57M-USB3 Issues
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2010, 11:31:16 pm »
I have the exact same issue with a GA-H57M-USB3. My configuration is:

Intel i3 530
2x2GB Kingmax DDR3 1333
On board display

I have checked the memories with memtest86+ and they are OK.
I have updated the BIOS to F6h and the problem is still there.
I have changed the HDD and the problem is till there.
I have tried Windows 7, Windows XP and Ubuntu 9.10 and the problem appears on all of them.

Default QPI configs looks good in BIOS.

Have you solved the problem in the meantime?

I have a suspicion that it has something to do with the on board display adapter. I hope to find a  PCI or PCIE display adapter to see if the problem persists.

Re: GA-H57M-USB3 Issues
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2010, 09:00:05 am »
Scary. I have been struggling with the same issue now for two weeks.

GA-H57M-USB3 rev 1.0
Corsair XMS3 DDR3 1600MHz 4GB CL9 (CMX4GX3M2A1600C9)
Intel Core i5 661 3,33GHz
On board display

Windows 7 64 bit first installed fine using F1 BIOS. Once I installed the graphics drivers the system became very unstable. I updated to F5 BIOS and then F6 BIOS but things only got worse. When I uninstall the graphics drivers the system becomes more stable (survives for longer than 2 minutes) but will eventually restart by itself. anyway

I’ve tried every single chipset and graphics drivers from Intel and Gigabytes webpage but without success.

Eventually I reinstalled Windows 7 and tried a clean system with only the graphics drivers but got the same problem. Reinstalled Windows 7 again but now the installation started to hang and for an entire day I could not install Windows.

Eventually Windows 7 would install after I did a CMOS reset and did not change any BIOS values at all. But the system still hangs when I try to install the graphics drivers and sometimes when I run Windows 7 performance index and eventually by itself after some time.

CPU runs very cool (30-35 degree Celsius).

I tried to run the system with only one memory stick and then again with the other stick.
Memtest86+ passed a lot of tests but I cancelled when it reached the second test after 30 minutes of testing.

Have anyone found the solution the this problem yet?

Dark Mantis

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Re: GA-H57M-USB3 Issues
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2010, 09:57:57 am »
By the sound of things it would be a good idea to disable the on-board graphics and  try a seperate pcie graphics card. I can't try this for you as I am running the X58A-UD7 board but you all seem to be having the same problems.
Gigabyte X58A-UD7
i7 920
Dominators 1600 x6 12GB
6970 2GB
256GB SSD, Sam 1TB, WDB320GB
HAF 932

Gigabyte Z68X-UD5-B3
i7 3770K
Vengeance 1600 16GB
6950 2GB
Revo Drive x2, 1.5TB WDB RAID0
16x DLRW
StrikeX S7
Full water cooling
3 x 27" Iiy


Re: GA-H57M-USB3 Issues
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2010, 01:04:13 pm »
It seems the problem was caused by the motherboard. I have replaced the motherboard (got a new one - the same model) and everything works fine now.