Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum, I don't usually use forums, but this time I feel like I need an answer from qualified people

I've just recently bought a windows 10 key off of G2A (yep, most likely it will fail in a year or so, but it was 20$ so I figured I'd try it...) They sent me the key, and I downloaded the windows installer.
I always installed windows 7 from USB, so I figured I'd do the same with W10 since it's way faster. I used their "Media Creator" tool thingy to create a bootable USB suitable to install windows and proceeded to go forward with the installation.
At first everything is fine, it loads some files, then it asks for some language preferences and keyboard layout, but the next step is why I'm turning to you guys. It always tells me that "A media driver your computer needs is missing". So I tried to unplug most of what I could unplug, and ended up with a Crucial C300 SSD and a caviar black 1TB HDD and keyboard and mouse. I tried to install it again and it still doesn't want to.
My question is this, can I even install windows 10 on this motherboard? Seeing as there were some drivers for windows 10 for this motherboard, I figured I was good to go...
And if it is possible, does anyone know which driver I would need to point to or include? The installer doesn't point to any missing drivers, so I'm left in the dark.
I've tried swapping USB port when installing, but that doesn't help either, and I've also tried USB3.0 and USB2
0 ports, which doesn't give better results.
I would also be curious to hard from "Meat Juice" seeing that he posted this post :
http://forum.giga-byte.co.uk/index.php?topic=16234.0but it seems that the windows install only searches for .inf files, (or driver files, I'm not too sure about the .inf) but not .exe files, which makes it harder to find a driver that can be used.
- GA-Z68X-UD7-B3 Motherboard
- Intel I7 2600k CPU
- GTX 970 GPU
- DDR3 Corsair Dominator GT RAM
- Crucial C300 SSD
- Caviar Black WDD HDD