How do you like the drive so far?
I don't need the drive space yet so I probably won't use it very often.
You can only put in 2 drives so it's not pushing the bandwidth of Thunderbolt 3.
You can put in 2 drives. I said that was a con but that's better than the single drive external cases I've used before.
Even if you use the only Thunderbolt 3 port of your motherboard, the drive lets you add another Thunderbolt 3 device, possibly even more Akitio drives to get past the 2 drive limit, though the performance will drop a little for each extension of the chain.
Solidly built. It's very quick to add or remove a drive. Two screws to open it up, then one screw for a 2.5" drive, or up to 4 screws for a 3.5" drive. It might be easier to add drives into the Akitio than my CPU case. The screws of the Akitio are all captive thumb screws, so you don't need a screwdriver and you don't have to worry about losing them like with my CPU case.
If you don't have a Thunderbolt 3 connector, you can still use the drive by connecting it to a USB 3 port. You can't use the Thunderbolt 3 ports on the drive as a USB 3 hub though.