This one has me baffled. This is a new build, 2 weeks old. The first 1 - 3 times I turn it on in an evening it will power off, like it's been switched off, after a minute or two. Sometimes before windows has loaded. It had been showing code 40, or maybe 4D, the last couple of days. It currently shows AA, and seems to be running fine. Once it gets going it runs very well, 3D gaming doesn't seem to faze it at all. Running optimised defaults in Bios. Any help or suggestion would be appreciated.
AMD FX 9590
G.Skill DDR3 2133 8gig x 4 (quad channel kit)
Gigabyte GV-R939G1 Gaming-8GD
Cooler Master V-series 1000 Gold 1000w PSU
Cooler Master Nepton 240M
Windows 10 Home
Sony TV via HDMI for monitor