few days ago my ASrock z77 Board broke, so i bought a GA Z68AP-D3, which i got for a good price. So i can say all my hardware works for sure, because the 980 was running with my 750Watt Powersupply in my old Asrock board with my 2700k. Only Board was changed.
From the beginning it took me hours and hours to get the board running, because im not used to the Gigabyte Bios and all it Voltages and Values. For exampla i have no fixed CPU-Voltage, only dynamic, QPI Voltage, System Agent Voltage, took me very long until i had everything stable and i didnt even overclock so far.
Worst thing possible happened, i cant get my 980 classy to work. Its no that i have no picture, its not even getting "registered" by my system. Theres only the HD3000 to find in the settings. I tried all different Bios-settings for-and backward, i flashed the F8 BIos, which is the newest, back to the F7 and then back again to F8. Spent at least 10 hours so far. I know that Z68 works with maxwell, i googled it.
And yes, oc course i tried to take out the battery and cmos reset. The board itself is in very good shape, the PCI x 16 slot looks flawless and it seems to work, lets say at least the slot is recognized as working, but not populated when i use some programs like HW Info or AIda.
I even tried the unofficial Z68AP-d3 U1a bios, which is supposed to be UEFI, even for my revision 1 board, but that bios didnt work with Q-Flash, it showed me something like wrong number or wrong checksum, cant remember anymore.
Thing is, everytime i make a cmos, it takes me 30min again to get the borad running, it is so damn unstable, it crashed on the way to boot or OS, i must raise the QPI voltage and the ram Voltage to 1,6 Volt, enable AHCI and XMP-Profile..
im just so sad right now, it was so difficult to get an new (used) 1155 Board and now this thing is so annoying....

What can i do to make the system recognize my 980 finally, maybe without new bios flash or cmos reset again?