So I got my setup in August 2015, (X99-SLI, 16GB, 5820K all stock) and had it for 9 months or so without issue. Hardware reserved memory was 300MB or so. No problems, no issues.
After changing mouse in May, I started get the odd boot failure (boot failed etc, reset to default), reset it and it would be fine and was completely stable. Knowing X99 can be fussy with usb, and the problem appeared literally days after I changed mouse, I updated bios to what was at the time, the latest. F22E.
The issue went away and it's been fine ever since. I did notice at the time however, the hardware reserve increased to 600MB or so from 300ish & I've been meaning to ask ever since.
Does any one have any idea why it increased? Is it for broadwell-e support? a bug or something switched on/added in the bios update, that I've not switched off, if so, any idea what as I didn't want to just go around switching stuff off.
I did notice f22e has been removed and only a later dated f22 remains, but as it's all working fine, I didn't want to update for the sake of it, especially if it results in no difference and it's just the later bios all reserve more.