Hi all
Since I flashed my BIOS to the latest version on your website for my motherboard, the UEFI one, I am having problems with my CPU Fan.
When my CPU Fan is plugged into the CPU_FAN port on my motherboard... If the CPU FAN SPEED CONTROL is set to anything other than disabled it does not spin, when it is on disabled it will spin but very slowly and does not speed up even when the CPU is under load.
I plugged my CPU Fan into the SYS_FAN1 port and the CPU spins very fast. Plugging another case fan into the CPU_FAN port and the same applies to that fan, it only spins very slow.
Right now I am having to keep my CPU Fan plugged into the SYS_FAN1 port but now thats going at 100% speed all the time which is noisy. I would like to get the CPU_FAN Port working correctly so I can use that again so it works accordingly with the CPU Temps.
Please can you help