First, sorry for my horrible english.
My questions are about fan conectors in GA-Z170-HD3P motherboard.
1.- What's the maximun amps o watts support in CPU_FAN, SYS_FAN1 and SYS_FAN_2 PWM conectors? I want to connect 2 fan with 0.299A each in SYS_FAN2 and SYS_FAN3 with splitters. Can I do it safely?
2.- Why SYS_FAN3 connector does not appear in BIOS smarfan setup? I can't configure his fan curve.

3.- SYS_FAN1 and SYS_FAN2 are full PWM conectors or their regulation is by voltaje? I think is only by voltaje. Can I change this in BIOS setup?
Anyway, motherboard works fine!