I've got a GA-970A-D3P rev 1.0 that has been stable for over a year (after about a year of gremlins, finally tied down to an underperforming PSU). Only yesterday it started restarting itself randomly with no other symptoms. Eventually it got to the point where it won't boot, and I'm getting 1 long beep then 3 short beeps. I can't for the life of me find any documentation as to what this means. I've found a few posts for a different motherboard that says it's an AGP error, but (a) I don't know what that means and (b) I don't trust that the error code list applies to my mobo.
I'm going to start some basic troubleshooting later today, but I'm cramped for time so I'm hoping figuring out what the beep code means can speed things up a bit.