Thanks for providing your system specs, this is helpful when troubleshooting these types of errors. If the behavior is intermittent, your flash likely completed successfully. If the attached pic is not yours, we would need to know the exact error that is displayed to advise you properly.
Can you confirm this is the behavior.. Your system boots and runs normally, then without warning, it randomly shuts down, restarts, and displays a BIOS error?
Is there a common activity that causes this? Playing a game, rendering video. (all 2 times its happened)

Could this behavior be the result of a recent change to hardware or system updates?
Have you reviewed your Event Viewer for system and /or error information?
Have you disconnected power and performed a CLR_CMOS? (jumper is located in the lower right-hand corner of your board.
If the BIOS update is in fact the problem, each can vary slightly in programming, so what works with one hardware configuration, might not work after update, without minor tweaking. Not suppose to happen, but sometimes it does. More so if you are using memory that is not on the QVL for your board or when aggressive BIOS setting are used. I realize you aren't doing those things. 3000Mhz RAM requires slight OC. XMP should take care of this for you.
For future, I would recommend that you not arbitrarily flash just to have the latest BIOS. If your system was stable on F5, and F6 didn't address or offer anything that might warrant flashing its best to stay where you are. Stable, non-problematic machine.
I suggest you spend a little time investigating the cause which my resolve itself due to system updates in your system environment. Since the issue has only happened twice you really can't say with certainty the BIOS is at fault.
As a
last resort, you should be able to go back to F5 without issue.