Thank you Shadowsport for the detailed answer. I strictly followed all your instructions, but Windows does not start

I write the list of the operations I have done.
- Checked that the SSD disk is installed in slot M2M_32G (upper) slot.
In the BIOS:
- BIOS> Load Optimized Defaults
- BIOS> Fast Boot - Disabled
- BIOS> Storage Boot Option> UEFI (
screenshot 1)
- BIOS> CSM Support - Disabled
(N.B. When disabling CSM, the "Storage Boot Option" option disappears and the "Secure Boot option" and related submenus appear below) (
screenshot 2)
- Peripherals> NVMe Configuration (
screenshot 3 and 4)
- Peripherals> SATA Mode Selection> AHCI (
screenshot 5)
- Save & Exit
Return to the BIOS to check that everything is OK.
Now I can see the USB pen-drive as boot device marked UEFI (
screenshot 6). It has been created with "Media Creation Tool".
- Exit BIOS
Windows installation starts.
At the first screen ("Select language, time, ...") Shift + F10
- diskpart
- list disk
There are two disks: disk 1 (USB Pen Drive) and disk 2 (SSD)
- select disk 2
- clean
- convert gpt
- exit
- exit
Resuming Windows installation:
- copying Windows files ...
- getting files ready ...
- installing features ...
- installing updates ...
- finishing up ...
I remove the USB pen drive
On reboot the computer enters directly the BIOS, because it doesn't find any device to boot from (
screenshot 7)
I do not understand why

I then returned to diskpartition and the "list partition" command on the SSD disk gives me 4 partitions:
1 Recovery 529 MB 1024 KB
2 System 300 MB 530 MB
3 Reserved 16 MB 830 MB
4 Primary 230 GB 846 MB
I remember to have read a Microsoft document that said that the order of the partitions had to be: System, Reserved, Primary and Recovery. The System partition that contains the EFI data should be the first, while here is the second. But maybe this doesn't matter.