Hello everyone,
Thanks for custom BIOS. Works fine to me.
Can anyone tell me what causes an Ultra ATA CRC Errors on SATA SSD Samsung 860 PRO?
I hoped that after this update, everything would be ok with a drive but on occasions that errors come back again. I replaced SATA cable, even connect to the different power cable.
My setting is AHCI mode, but I think about changing 'On Chip SATA Type' to 'RAID' and see what happens. Anyone had the same problems?
Maybe the drive has a formatting error, bad cells or a failing controller?
Maybe the custom BIOS you are running has a problem, error or compatibility issue.
Might changing the operate mode of the controller help, sure. Maybe?
We can only speculate. Where to start... Test the drive, verify its health. Does it behave similarly in another system?