« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2022, 01:07:26 am »
If you don't have any other parts to test the board it kinda hard to trouble shoot it. Yes it could be the bios, motherboard memory or CPU. The other thing you have no little LED to tell what is going on. If you did have them they would tell you what part is the problem.
I had something just like this happen to me. But I was lucky enough that it work.
I have Ga-A520M DS3H MB. I put in a Ryzen-5-4500 CPU. I check the support list of CPU. It says that to run this CPU you need Bios F14. At this time the board is running Bios F2 and everything is working.
You really have to start with the CPU. You will have to get another one that the board will support one at F1.
I'm just asking you using a video card or trying to boot from the board. If by chance you trying from the board it will not work you need a video card.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2022, 01:08:28 am by dmdilks »

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